jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017


The next morning, we wake up with sleepy. We went downstairs to have breakfast and then we leave on foot to the Museum of Human Evolution(MEH). It is located 16 km west of the Sierra de Atapuerca, location of some of the most important human fossil finds in the world and declared World Heritage Site as the museum.

A guide shows us the most important things of the museum, we saw some of the original and the oldest fossils founded in the Sima de Los Huesos and a recreation of the brig in which Darwin traveled. She has also explained us how our ancestors were and how they managed to discover the fire, make tools, and how the social organization was. There also was a large-scale brain recreation.

After the visit, which I find quite interesting, we went to Atapuerca to see the archaeological sites. We had to wear a helmet for safety and they didn't let us take pictures. In there the guide explains us kind of the same that in the museum. The visit goes through the Trinchera del Ferrocarril, an artificial passage of open limestone rock, that give rise to three of the most important sites of Atapuerca: Sima del Elefante, Galería and Gran Dolina.

After, we went to have lunch in a small village named Ibea de Juarros and then we went to the Centro de arquelogia experimental (CAREX) and there they explain us how our ancestor did the processes of elaboration and use of the tools, cabins, fabrics, ceramics or art works. She also teaches us how they made fire, tools, haunt and you could see replicas of archaeological materials.

Then we returned to Burgos and the teachers let us free time, that was the best of the day because I was tired and bored of explanations. We visited for the last time Burgos and then we went to have dinner. Later, we returned to the hotel made our bags and despite our effort we couldn't stay awake and we slept early.

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